Master informational guide for MoonGrip supercase

Hello! This manual covers FAQs and ownership notes.
Scroll to: Installation
Q: What phones does it fit?
A: The clamp can open to a maximum width of 87mm and a thickness of 16mm. There are no limitations on the length. The minimum size is 70 x 6mm, but padding can be added.
Tested on a Samsung S21 Ultra + OtterBox Defender, S8 with two part case, naked LG X Venture. They all fit great and are sturdy. There is a chance it won't fit your phone.
Q: What if it doesn't fit, or I hate it? (WARRANTY)
A: No problem, you can return it at no charge within 30 days of delivery. Contact me below and I will email a prepaid USPS label.
Q: Is it compatible with left-handed humans?
A: Typing with the left thumb in portrait mode is greatly impacted, as you can't put the bottom corner of the phone in your palm. Otherwise it's fine, but a certified leftie says it's a dealbreaker and I agree.
I do not sell a mirrored version because of the camera position on the target phones. If you happen to have a phone with center cameras, a mirrored version should work. If you need or really want, you can order it as mirrored - just clearly request it in the checkout notes.
Q: Is it compatible with a pop socket or car mount?
A: No. For driving, removing the phone takes only a few turns of the knob and is the recommended solution.
Q: Can I still use the camera/other rear sensor/buttons?
A: The sensor cluster is unobstructed if it is on the center or upper left corner of the phone (when facing the camera). The buttons should be fine if they're on the top half of the phone, regardless of which side of the phone they're on.
Q: Is it compatible with my phone case?
A: Most likely, as long as it fits in the dimensions above and doesn't have uncommon features. It probably wouldn't work with something soft and/or hinged, like a wallet case. If the MoonGrip fits securely over your case, definitely use it that way.
Q: What do I need for installation?
A: When setting it up for a new device, you'll need a 2.5mm hex wrench to adjust the height of the outer clamp. After that, the phone is easily installed or removed by turning the clamp knob. It takes a lot of turns to get a firm grasp, but don't overtighten.
Q: Is it vacuum rated?
A: Avoid prolonged exposure. There are no pressurized components or cold weld risks, but it is not radiation hardened. It is meant for 1 Bar.
Q: What is this thing for?
A: The MoonGrip was designed for frontline point-of-sale engagements. By hanging from a tether it's easily accessible and never misplaced. A hinged bracket for a Square reader combines the two essential transaction devices. The grip provides extra utilities and expansion options, and above all else, it's cooler than just taping the Square directly to the phone.
For regular use, the grip allows some relaxed and unusual holds. It requires less hand real-estate than the phone does on its own, as the handle is smaller and more handle-shaped. For example, you can hold it loosely like a paint palette. Hang it on your right thumb and you can carry all the groceries in one trip while watching YouTube on your wrist.
Q: What is it NOT for?
A: There are some tradeoffs. It isn't good for driving or left-handed typing, sorry. It doesn't fit in pockets, which is annoying when the only thing available to clip it to is your sweatpants (not advised).
Q: How durable is it?
A: It's probably more durable than your phone, so just keep being careful with your phone. The quicklight module is sealed but should not be submerged in liquid. I'm not yet sure how long it will stand up to daily use, but my expectation is very long. Overtightened clamp screws and deformed clamp components should be the main failure modes, and those can be replaced by the user.
Q: Can I order individual parts?
A: Yep, but they are not listed anywhere right now. Contact me.
Q: Is there at least one secret compartment?
A: Yes, how did you know?